Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Can't think, drooling...

Ok. Admission time. I watched The Chronicles of Riddick a couple of nights ago. I'm not proud, I'm a little humbled by the experience, but mostly I'm having trouble concentrating due to the extreme sexy of Mr Karl Urban in this movie. I thought it couldn't get any sexier than Eomer in LotR, but, as you can see, I was wrong.




That is all.

Parental unit comment as promised. And I really am not anonymous - the machine won't let me be a person with a name. I must say, Zuckerbaby, that blogging seems to be a lot of fun. And oh, how I envy you that big tv at the mention of Colin Firth and Alan Rickman and so forth. Did you realise that your leading men of fantasy are all British/European?

Was Brad Pitt in Hotel New Hampshire? So sad that I've forgotten whether - but a good movie to remind you of anyway.

Is it by design that your blogs (bloggings?) are mostly about popular culture?

And why can't I read anyone else's comments? Or haven't I looked in the correct cyberspace yet?

Anyhoo, I am very much looking forward to entries from Middle Earth.

Much love
Ok you were right - the dark look suits Urban nicely... Hair could be longer but you cant have everything.
For amusement look at Vlad go from dark prince to teen idol in these pics, terribly vexing (crap I'll email the link this thing wont allow me to add a html tag - shitbox!)
love MetalGirl

Also I think that was Rob Lowe in Hotel New Hampshire. That is the movie where he wants to sleep with his sister (Jodie Foster) isn't it????
I realised after I mixed Rob up with Brad (aren't they interchangeable?) that I had the wrong bloke. Oops.
I'm sorry Zuckerbaby, but I just can't get past that ridiculous hair - it's simply awful. Still, I'm not one to criticise other people's taste in men.
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