Saturday, February 05, 2005

How many words are there for turquoise?

The sea water in and around Kaikoura is a colour - or actually, several colours - that makes me angry.

There is no way that a naturally occuring phenomenon should contain colours that would not be out of place in a kid's paintbox.

In fact, the ocean in the bays around Kaikoura looks like the sort of painting a kid does of the way the ocean should look, and generally leads to this conversation:

"That's very pretty honey, but I really don't think that the sea is bright aqua. With edgings of office carpeting blue and occasional hints of hospital wall bright green."

But, if the kid was in Kaikoura doing the painting, they'd totally be painting from life!!


It's so annoying!!!

Well, actually, no ,it's not annoying, it's actually stupidly, beautifully heart rending and moving and gorgeous. I'm just...You know that scene in So Long and Thanks For All The Fish? It goes something like this (from memory, because I can't be arsed to look it up):

Arthur is eating a swordfish steak at a seaside resort, and grabs the waiter and angrily demands "Why is this bloody swordfish so bloody good??" Fenchurch tells the startled waiter "Don't worry about my friend. He's suddenly very happy and he's still in shock."

Well, that's kind of how I feel about the sea here. "Why is the bloody sea so bloody beautiful??!"

Just had to get that off my chest.

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