Friday, February 11, 2005

A step behind the rest of time

Groovy and very cool vibe that it has, Dunedin has come close to being stuck in my mind as the place of annoyances, mishaps and general fuck ups. Which is sad, because it is an extremely cool place, and I'm totally prepared to adore it, and I don't want it coloured by the crapness of the last couple of days.

It's also been annoying because thus far everything on this trip has gone really smoothly, with no major hiccoughs.

And the things that went wrong haven't been major (even in Dunedin), but there were so many of them over the last couple of days that it just got to the point of me going "ARRRGH!! What are you trying to do to me, Dunedin??"

On the other hand, I don't want you to think that Dunedin has only provided me with crap experiences. As I've said, very very cool place, and have had some really extraordinary times already.

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