Monday, February 14, 2005

You quacking at me? You quacking at me? You must be quacking at me, I don't see anyone else here!!

Wandering around the Queenstown Botanic Gardens this afternoon, I was forcefully struck by the way to ensure world peace.


Yup, you heard me. Get all the world leaders to hang out around a duck pond, where ducks are going about their awesomely cute business (fluffing their feathers, scritching their heads, snoozing woozily on the surface of the water, waddling in search of food, flapping their wings and thus revealing the deep blue feathers - the list just goes on and on!!) and everyone will be so chilled out and transfixed by this extremely calming experience that they will immediately sign the papers that will ensure peace, not only in our time, but for all time.

And one of the subclauses of that contract will be that there are fully populated duck ponds placed at strategic points along borders and throughout troubled countries and neighbourhoods.

Ducks = World Peace.

Trust me.

I dunno about the ducks for World Peace thing. I'm more of the Neil Gaiman pursuasion ...ducks are evil! I mean ... webbed feet ... design of Satan to muck up your cashmire pile carpet in the atrium. Hmmphh.

And if you're not convinced, check this out! Orta convince ya ;-)
I agree that, as the wondrous "The March of the Ducks" asserts, ducks can be evil. It is the hold that they have over humans that fascinates me - and is obviously part of their evil plot to take over the universe. If, however, we could harness that power for good, and not for evil, the sway that they exert when humans are gathered around great numbers of them could be used to create world peace.

What the ducks would do with us then is a whole other matter...

"Smoking cigars and sleeping with your wife..."
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