Friday, July 08, 2005


Bomb blasts in London. Holy shit.

All the world's media is there, because of the Olympics announcement and the opening of the G8 conference.

Everything seems so unreal. I felt this way when the September 11 attacks occured. I felt this way when I read about the ongoing war in Iraq. I felt this way when I read about the attacks on mosques in Brisbane. I felt this way when I heard about the train bombings in Madrid. I've felt this way for the last 4 years.

What the fuck are we doing? How much longer are we going to survive? Is change going to come, or more wholesale destruction?

I just can't think about this. I comprehend, but I don't understand. Everything is turning to shit, has been for years, and there's just pain and horror and death.

But there's always hope. A tiny spark of hope and life and the possibility of joy. We, as a global community, have to find a way to take this spark and make into a blazing beacon, without resorting to bombing and war and horror.

Somebody, please, tell me there's a way. Because, right now, I really don't see one. But I want to.

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